Richard Burridge Sr. Presented Hortense Friedman Award for Excellence

November 22, 2022

By ldraper on November 22, 2022

Past CFA Society Chicago President Richard Burridge Sr., is the 30th recipient of the Hortense Friedman Award for Excellence, a lifetime achievement award, by the CFA Society Chicago in recognition of his years of service to the investment community.

Mr. Burridge, is Chairman Emeritus of RMB Capital and the founder of The Burridge Group. He is a former Director of the National Financial Analysts Federation and was associated with Alliance Capital Management Corporation for twelve years, as Vice Chairman and Director and as Manager of its Chicago office — then the second largest in Alliance Capital. He also worked for seventeen years at The Northern Trust Company, as Director of the research function and Senior Vice President for eight years.

“Mr. Burridge was an inspiration for me to get the CFA designation.” said Don Bechter, Managing Partner of RMB Capital.

The Chicago Society presented the award to Mr. Burridge  in October 2022 for his contribution to the financial services industry and its community. “I’ve always been a believer in the age-old adage that if you give back to society, you’ve been able to accomplish something.” During his career, Mr. Burridge has accomplished and given back to benefit all.

Upon receipt of this prestigious award, Dick’s colleagues at RMB reflected on the special influence he has had on their lives and careers.

“I’ve learned that he is one in a million - people like him don’t come around that often and I was fortunate to work side-by-side with him for almost 20 years” Michelle Francisco, Partner, Chief of Staff

“It has been an honor to work alongside Dick Sr. He is a perpetual optimist even in the darkest days during bear markets.  He is truly a long-term investor, focused on really getting to know a company and its key business drivers” Chris Graff, Co-CIO

“I will always admire Dick’s ability to see past our industry’s many distractions and focus on the things that really make for a good investment”  Andy Baker, Partner

“Senior has always been one of the most positive people to be around.  His iconic laugh, sense of humor and attitude on life have added so much energy to our office”  Todd Griesbach, SVP, Portfolio Manager

At RMB Capital, we’d like to take this opportunity to acknowledge and celebrate this honor bestowed upon one of our own.


The annual award is nomination based and firms elect to nominate but do not pay. For more information, please follow this link: 

Awards or rankings are not indicative of future success or results and should not be construed as an endorsement of the advisor.

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